We believe everybody should be able to be part of building a better food system. Where all of the benefits - and the challenges - are shared: between farmers, investors, and consumers.
As a member you get access to visit, camp, explore, find adventure, friendship and more. You'll get to share in the very best of our produce at wholesale and discounted pricing - and profits are re-invested into the portfolio, growing your legacy and your impact over time.
You'll get exclusive offers and invitations to events, and from select partners - and learn about land, regenerative farming, investing, and food and more.
You'll help support charities working to protect our wild places and our wildlife - and have the opportunity re-wild yourself and your family as well.
And most importantly, your membership is literally funding the future - you'll help make it possible for next generation farmers to develop their own farms, for established farmers to transition from industrial agriculture to regenerative, reap the rewards of partnership with some of our most experienced and proven regenerative farmers and fund managers, and co-ownership and stewardship of some of the most unique and stunning landscapes in the world.